Monday, June 10, 2013

Around Galaţi

This past weekend, I spent quite a bit of time walking around Galaţi.   Here are various scenes around the city.

Even though I've posted pictures of it before, here are more of the Danube. The river is certainly one of the best features of the city. The (car free) road along the river is perfect for jogging. In the evenings it is filled with people going to restaurants and enjoying the numerous  vendors selling cotton candy, ice cream, and crepes.

A Romanian Orthodox church.

This is municipal building, located across the street front he SMART office. The grouping of people outside is a wedding party. One some days, I've watched 3 or 4 weddings pass through.

The SMART office.

The farmers market located by the office. Its actually a lot bigger than the pictures makes it look, and even includes a large in door space with more vendors. Coming from California, one of my concerns when I go anywhere is naturally the quality of the produce. I have actually been pleasantly surprised by what is available in Romania. 

Parts of Lower Danube University. The universities buildings are actually spread all over Galati.

This is the Galaţi  Museum of Visual Arts. I had intended to go on Saturday, but I arrived only to discover that it is currently closed for renovations.

Large park across of the art museum.

A replica of the Capitoline Wolf, one of the most well known symbols of the Roman Empire, in another park.


Botanical gardens.

...and other random shots.

After almost 5 weeks in Galaţi, I have a pretty good sense of the local environs. Despite the population of 300,000, it feels quite a bit smaller. 

Lots to do at work this week, so I should post an update about that topic soon. Next weekend, I'm looking forward to visiting the Black Sea city of Constanța. 

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